Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"Every Hero Has a Story" Summer reading Fun!

We are so excited ! Summer reading has started everywhere! The kids have signed  up with the local library in our town, . The program, titled "Every Hero Has a Story", encourages the children to spend time reading at least 30 minutes a day. They reward the children at the end of the program, with pizza gift cards, Itune gift cards, movie gift cards, a chance to win mini comic notebook and drawing kits. This library is also hosting a Read to attend Lock In for the middle kid readers!


The little ones cant wait to dig into these books! In fact they have already read a few of them. The kiddos are learning to read and they get so excited when they recognize words in the book that they know. Take turns, and let them read to you. My three year old she is not reading yet, but its always interesting to her the story's she makes up by looking at the pictures.

If you have not signed up for any summer reading programs, find one in your local area. If you are real creative you can make up a summer reading program for your own kiddos at home. Creating a summer reading calendar is a great place to start!

My older son loves books about horses, and any comical story. I try to have him step out of his comfort reading zone and read something new, maybe a classic, mystery or something nonfiction. We usually end up negotiating, for every book I choose for him to read then he can pick one that him and I can read together. It works!

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