Monday, April 29, 2013

Cleanliness is Next To.... Please Don't Just Step Over That Sock!

Lately I have been so wrapped up with trying to make my household perfect! Even though I know this is not possible, but in my own little world I seek to try to make it this way. When I started my family, I dreamed of being the perfect mom! I wanted to be Clair Huxtable from the Cosby Show, Harriett Winslow from Family Matters.  Maggie Seaver from Growing Pains or Vivian Banks, from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I am an 80's child, so all these women I watched as a young girl. My husband laughs at all of the women I chose to compare myself with as the perfect mother! He says Clare did not run her house Cliff did, Ha ,Ha!
I do understand these women are just characters, but they seemed to always have it together when dealing with there children, careers, and husbands.  I guess that's what fascinates me. I wonder is there a woman who can manage all of these things in the real world? The cooking, cleaning, medicine, teaching, ironing , washing, uplifting, appointments, healthy body, cuddling, kiss the boo boos, love making, church, ministries, career, friends, ... Oh I could go on and on! BUT , According to the Bible , there was one, The Proverbs 31 Woman. She got up early in the morning, she worked with willing hands, planted a vineyard, takes care of the poor, brings good to her husband, children  call her blessed, oh and my personal  favorite, she laughs at the days to come?! And there is still so much more.
I have to stick to the schedule, and there will be NO dishes in the sink, or dirty floors, or unfolded clothes, I hate to say it but if there is, I am a unhappy wife or mommy! Wow how I wish it did not bother me, in fact I will do one better, how my husband, and children wished it did not bother me either! Ha! I mean really, am I the only one who see's the sock on the floor!
See as a homeschooling, business owner, stay at home mom of three, and wife of a hottie :) , things have to stay in order or I can't wrap my brain around things. If the house is out of control so is mommy! That's why  I love sites like, and
So my goal is to continue to study the Proverbs 31 woman with Courtney at She has a free ebookso go down load it today!
Also still reading by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson. Just wanted to say thank you to TeacherMomma at, for reading it with me! Will you join us?
Just reporting the things I see,
Like to know your thoughts so leave me a comment!


  1. You forget that the women of the Bible had handmaidens to help. It's a nice idea, but you will go crazy. It only works when everyone works or at school all day. Enjoy your Family. I remember this child named Eric that use to clean his room on Friday and his brothers would say "look under his bed Mom, it's the dark hole" that's where he puts everything out of sight.

  2. I must say, I'm one that needs a clean environment to function also and being a homeschooling parent makes it a not so easy task. One thing that helps keep keep things in order is to have a room for different times of the day. In the morning we use the kitchen for reading time & breakfast. Then we move to the living room for school time. And then to the playroom until dinner. Before we leave the room we clean it together. And that makes the load much easier on me because at the end of the day I only have one room to straighten....and in the spring/summer months the play room is the backyard lol. No matter what, just do what's best for you and your family...that's the perfect way
